• Received a badge from Thai Chamber of Commerce in the field of Bring business outstanding ethics awards in 2020.
• Tokio Marine Life’s agents was awarded “Quality Agent” for Year 2020. Mr. Yosapol Teeyavaravoot, Miss Sansiri Sirithaveewat and Miss Sirithip Na-Ubon, Agent, has received a token of appreciation from prime minister's insurance award 2020. The award presentation ceremony was organized by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC).
• Received the honorary code of ethics from Thai Chamber of Commerce for its 17th award presentation in the field of Bring business ethic for sustainable development
• Received the Certificate of Membership Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption (CAC), reflecting the spirit of the company to commit to anti-corruption in all forms
• Received the Good Company Global Awards from Mr. Tsuyoshi Nakano, Chairman of the board and Chief Executive Officer, Tokio Marine Holdings, in the Streamlining the Claim Process to Support our Customers project, which the vision To be a Good Company
• Tokio Marine Life Insurance received ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for its information security management systems by BSI Certification Services Co., Ltd. The company sets a goal through collective efforts and strive to be a Good Company.
• Tokio Marine Life was given the prestige award as The Best Development Life Insurance Company for Year 2015. Khun Somphote Keitkraival, DCEO, has received a token of appreciation from Mr. Apsiak Tantivorawong, Finance Minister. The award presentation ceremony was organized by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC). The Award is based on the following criteria: state of solvency and healthy financial ratios; market share; legal compliance; managerial efficiency; asset management efficiency; marketing management efficiency; and public service and public charity.
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